leonardo carvalho

creative & art director

Welcome, nice to meet you.
These are some works I did. Enjoy!


play for the future

my role — Art Direction

An innovative widget that offsets gamers carbon footprints in real time by calculating emissions based on device usage and enabling offsets through a carbon capture program. Developed with open code, it blends racing game aesthetics with environmental impact, driving real-world change while addressing virtual carbon issues.

Agency — VML Spain
Creative Directors — Denon Oliveira / Frederico Teixeira / Fabio Ozório
Copywriters — Alair Erlon
Art Directors — Leonardo Carvalho

★ El Ojo — Bronze El Ojo Sports


︎︎︎board study


from taboo to tattoo
protex pro tattoo

my role — Concept / Art Direction
To release Protex Tattoo in Brazil, we used different models: elderly women who have always wanted to get a tattoo but never did because of sexism.

Agency — VMLY&R Brazil
Creative Director — Frederico Teixeira / Denon Oliveira
Copywriter — Gustavo Silva / Felipe Choi 
Art Directors — Leonardo Carvalho / Caroline Cravo



︎︎︎making of

add the ad sorriso

my role — Concept / Art Direction
Advertisements are always interrupting content and nobody likes that. However, there's a natural interruption on Twitch: the audio/visual alert when streamers receive a subscription. We used the signature jingle of Sorriso, a classic recognized by everyone in Brazil, to create a new form of media: streamers replaced their subscription alerts with our jingle. Zero interrupted lives, everyone's happy.

Agency — VMLY&R Brazil
Creative Director — Frederico Teixeira / Denon Oliveira
Copywriter — Gustavo Silva
Art Directors — Leonardo Carvalho / Camila Cicolo


︎︎︎board study